『您好, 商品目前還尚未收到商品, 查詢EMS追蹤碼,
也已有2天未更新包裹狀況, 想請問狀況如何? 謝謝您.』
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: PO# xxxxxx
Up till now I have not received the stuff I purchased. I have checked by
EMS tracking code, but the package information remains not updated
for two days. Please advise the latest status of the delivery. Thanks.
Best regards,
Xxxx Xxxx
『您好, 商品已經收到了, 非常喜歡此商品, 也謝謝您們用心的服務!』
Hi Sir/Madam,
The merchandise is received, and I like it very much.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude on your hearty care and wonderful
service. You're the best!
Best regards,
Xxxx Xxxx
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